
The truth about the colics

The colic is so common among babies that most people are no longer surprised when it happens. 

Even so, for the first time, Mom, it can be an anguished and panic-stricken experience, especially with your normally silent angel screaming nonstop in the background. 

It usually manifests in around two to three weeks of age. It becomes more prominent during the first two months and decreases after three months. 

The colic stops completely between three months and a half and four months of age.

Actually, the colic is not so dangerous. It may seem like the way babies would cry and scream at the top of their lungs. 

In fact, it can be so common that parents can experience an episode on a daily basis; and after the first episode, parents usually learn to handle the successive ones with aplomb. 

However, doctors and scientists can not say until now exactly what causes the pain. Just past.

For those who are not familiar with the problem, colic is a stomach pain that occurs after eating. Due to continued pain, babies cry for hours and hours until the colic is relieved. 

The crying can last between one and four hours, depending on the severity of the pain. The baby's cheeks will also turn red from the effort and perhaps from the pain.

When there is colic, the baby's belly may become distended or enlarged. One leg will bend and the other will extend outward. 

The feet will cool and the hands will squeeze from the pain. This is actually a common reaction for people whose stomachs hurt.

Often, it will happen late in the afternoon or early in the evening after each meal. However, it can also happen at any time of the day. 

Not all babies suffer from colic and some are even less frequent than others. Medical experts believe that genetics play an important role. 

It seems that if one or both parents have suffered from colic when they were babies, their children will also experience episodes of colic.

However, there are factors that will exacerbate the condition of colic in babies. Below are some of them. Read on to avoid these factors and prevent your baby from suffering more.

1. Overfeeding can only make situations worse when you have a baby with colic in your arms. Make sure your baby is suffering from hunger and not from colic before feeding again.

2. There are certain foods that will worsen the color. Those with high sugar content, those with undiluted juice will only increase the gas in the stomach and, therefore, will exacerbate the condition.